Star Blazers: The Bolar Wars

Category: TV Series
Adult: No
Native: 宇宙戦艦ヤマトIII
Romaji: Uchuu Senkan Yamato 3
Space Battleship Yamato 3
Star Blazers 3
Runtime: 25 minutes
Aired: Oct 11, 1980 [44 years 4 months ago]
Ended: Apr 4, 1981 [43 years 11 months ago]
Language: Japanese
Science Fiction
Space Opera
Links: ANIDB

A stray missile from a confrontation between the Galman empire and the Bolar Federation crashes into the sun, turning it into a time bomb of radiation. The Star Force once again sets off into space, this time on a quest to look for a new world for the human race.

Episode 1: Solar System Faces Destruction
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-10-11
The year is either 2203 or 22051. While fleets from the Galman Empire and Bolar Federation are fighting near the planet Berth, a giant Galman planet-destroyer proton missile goes astray into Earth's sun. Nuclear fusion begins to increase, and Earth learns that the sun will go supernova in about 1 year. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 2: Great Battle In The Silver Stream
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-10-18
Earth's colony at Alpha Centauri is attacked by a Galman fleet. Cadet Jason Jenner goes against his father's will and joins the Star Force. The scenes of the attack on Alpha Centauri in the episode have been lifted from a later episode. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 3: Star Force Embarks At Dawn
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-10-25
A stray Galman war ship violates Earth's air space and is shot down. The re-built Argo, having received several new Star Force members, is dispatched on a mission to find a new planet to which Earthers can emmigrate. Communications Officer Homer Glitchman falls in love with the Commander's granddaughter, Wendy. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 4: Shoot For Planet Mars
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-11-01
Leader Desslok, now Emperor Desslok of the Galman Empire, sentences Admiral Smellen of the Western Task Force to death if he loses any more campaigns. The Star Force runs training maneuvers as it passes by Mars. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 5: S.O.S. Legendra!
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-11-08
Once at the edge of our solar system, the Star Force encounters Planet Berth's flagship, the Legendra. Its green-skinned captain, Buckfaster Ram, requests temporary refuge at one of Earth's outposts. Afterwards, the Star Force escorts the Legendra into space where both are attacked by Galman General Dagon's fleet. Earth's neutrality is considered compromised. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 6: Great Battle Near Planet Brumas
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-11-15
The Legendra is destroyed by the Galmans. The Star Force fends off the attacking fleet, but not before being rammed by a Galman cruiser. The Argo is boarded and several minor crew members die before the invaders are killed. Wildstar holds a space burial after the battle. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 7: The Rough Seas Of Alpha Centauri
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-11-22
The Star Force stops at Earth's colony on Alpha Centauri for shore leave. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 8: The Last Pioneer
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-11-29
Earth scientists try to control the sun by using its solar energy receivers in reverse mode. The attempt fails. The Star Force discovers an Earther pioneer family in the Barnard's Star system. Two family members want to go back to Earth, but the old father insists on staying. While at the planet, the Argo is attacked by Galman reflex guns similar to the one the Gamilons had on Pluto in 2199. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 9: Battle At Barnard's Star
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-12-06
The Star Force dispatches its new runabout craft, the CosmoHound, to identify the reflection system of the reflex gun. The Argo destroys the Galman planes that are serving as reflector satellites, and destroys the Galman base on the planet, from which Dagon flees. Wildstar decides that the mission is becoming too dangerous, and orders almost all the female members of the crew to return to Earth on a transport vessel. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 10: Dagon's New Fleet Counter-Attacks
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-12-13
Admiral Smeerdom gives General Dagon a new fleet with which to attack the Star Force. The Star Force encounters a commercial exploration ship from Earth disabled in an area infested with space whirlpools. Dagon's fleet attacks, forcing the Argo to flee into the whirlpool area. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 11: Star Force Faces Danger At Cygnus
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-12-20
The Star Force escapes the whirlpools, only to be attacked by Galman planes sent in by SMITE (matter teleporation equipment). Dagon lures the Argo to the edge of a black hole, and attempts to drag it in with tractor beams from ships positioned arouund the hole's rim. The Galman ships end up being pulled in instead. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 12: Stellar Prison Camp
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1980-12-27
Earth has dispatched other ships (Bismarck, Prince of Wales, and the Arizona) on the same quest as the Star Force's. Free of Galman attacks, the Argo cruises into Bolar space. Bolar Federation Captain Balkam escorts the Star Force to planet Berth for repairs in return for helping the Legendra. But, Berth is discovered to be a penal colony for followers of the religious figure, Queen Guardiana. Prisoners escape and a few invade the Argo. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 13: Dreadful Bolar Federation
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-01-03
The Star Force argues for the prisoners' release, but Prime Minister Bemlaze, visiting Berth for some obscure reason, refuses, saying that they are a threat to his authority. Likewise, on Galmania, Emperor Desslok shoots one of his generals whom he has learned is a Guardiana sympathiser. Like Bemlaze, Desslok proclaims himself to be the only God. Back on Berth, Bemlaze has grown tired of the Star Force's accussations of human rights violations, and orders them all arrested. The Star Force retreats after first breaking the barriers of the prison. But, Bemlaze destroys the entire planet with planetary missiles. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 14: Subspace Submarine Captain: Galman Wolf
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-01-10
Galman Captain Luchner Von Ferrell is dispatched to attack the Argo in ships that can hide in subspace. Wildstar is wounded. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 15: Star Force Becomes A Prisoner
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-01-17
Ferrell's fleet lures the Star Force into a trap. The Argo is captured and dragged into Admiral Smeerdom's giant space fortress. Smeerdom makes the mistake of contacting Desslok before destroying the Argo. Desslok reacts in a rage, not having known that his minions had been fighting the Star Force all this time. He contacts Wildstar, apologises, and invites the gang to Galmania. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 16: Festive Day For Desslar
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-01-24
The Argo warps to Galmania, the headquarters of the Galman Empire, at the center of our galaxy. Upon arrival, they are greeted by Desslok and General Talan, now called "Masterson" (thanks to gross carelessness on the part of the translators of the Third Season). Desslok tells Wildstar and Nova the long story of how he came to found Galman in early 2202. "After leaving you when our battle against the Comet Empire (editor's note: in reality, the Black Nebula Empire) was over, I found myself on a long journey. I could not forsee the end of the journey. I was a homeless wanderer..." Desslok's Gamilon fleet searched for a new home and found two planets near the center of the Milky Way that resembled Gamilon and Iscandar. They learned that it was the Galmans who had initially colonized Gamilon. Thus, the Galmans were the ancestral race of the Gamilons. But the Galmans had been enslaved by the Bolar Federation. Desslok's fleet soon freed Galmania and its sister planet. And, Desslok was soon proclaimed Emperor and God. He set about the task of ridding Earth's side of the Milky Way of the Bolars. During the formative years of the Empire, Desslok came to realise that he had actually loved the dead Queen Starsha of Iscandar. In fact, he named the sister planet of Galmania "Starsha" in her honour. The aggressive strength of the Galman Empire begins to worry the Star Force, who fear that Desslok is up to his old game of militarism. For the moment, they keep this to themselves. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 17: Desslar's Empire In The Moment Of Crisis
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-01-31
Desslok recognises his responsibility in Earth's present predicament. It was, after all, Galman proton missiles which unintentionally fell into the sun, accellerating nuclear fusion. Desslok therefore insists on using the Galman's scientific power to save the sun. Sandor, Homer, and Galman Technology Major Cranshaw depart for Earth in five Magnetic Field Generating Plant ships. Their mission is to enclose the sun in a magnetic field to screen out much of its deadly radiation. Then, by firing more proton missiles into the sun, they expect to restore the suns natural fusion reaction rate (as if more proton missiles could fix the problem). The launch is interrupted by a Bolar missile attack. Galman's local defense system malfunctions, being sabotaged by peace-loving Guardiana worshippers, and a medium-sized missile hits near Desslok's central palace (see inset). After the initial wave, a giant Bolar planet-destroyer missile is detected heading for Galman. To protect the Plant Ship launch, the Star Force takes off and destroys the missile with the Wave Motion Gun. Wildstar, uncomfortable at Desslok's military build-up, warns Desslok that his reliance on weapons and aggression will be his downfall. Wildstar: Desslok, why not use it for peace? Desslok: Peace? I built them to maintain peace... Only through a war of peaceful conquest can we acheive peace in our time... Desslok: The Bolar sphere of influence is vast, and they have powerful weapons. This planet has been long coveted by the Bolars, and, well, I cannot let it fall into their hands again. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 18: The Angry Sun
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-02-14
The Plant Ships arrive at Earth, and fail in their plan to restore the sun. Cranshaw, dishnoured by the failure, plummets his ship into the sun. The remaining Plant Ships return to Galmania in defeat. Just before the Star Force leaves Galmania to resume its search for a new planet Earth, Desslok informs them that he has spotted a planet that is very similar to Earth not very far from their present position. This planet is called "Phantom". [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 19: On The Way To Planet Phantom
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-02-21
The Star Force encounteres a stranded alien transport ship. Its passengers are Guardiana-worhsippers, searching for the planet Guardiana, if it truly exists. After Sandor helps to repair the transport, a Bolar fleet approaches and attacks both it and the Argo. The Star Force drives off the enemy, and the pilgrims go on their way. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 20: Planet Phantom
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-02-28
The Argo reaches Phantom which looks too much like Earth. Galman geologists also reach Phantom. To them it looks like Galmania. On the planet, people begin seeing visions of dead loved ones, Alex Wldstar, Starsha, Avatar, and the likes. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 21: Lost Hope
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-03-07
I.Q.9 deduces that the planet is not a planet, but an organism that posseses psyonic energy enabling it to trick anyone viewing it into thinking it is as non-threatening as possible. Jenner and Flash Contrail discover a young girl kept in a chrysalis inside the "planet". [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 22: Farewell Planet Phantom
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-03-14
Phantom speaks, and she tells them that the girl is the exiled Queen Mariposa, of the planet Guardiana. She entrusts her to the Star Force for safe delivery to Guardiana. Phantom knows that she can no longer protect Mariposa because the Galmans and the Bolars both will try to destroy the planet. As predicted, the Galman's interpret Phantom's camouflage as a deception, and order that the planet be killed. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 23: Battle At The Scalageck Star Cluster
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-03-21
The Star Force resumes its quest for a new home for Earthers. Two months go by. In the Skalageck Star Cluster, the Star Force finds the wreckage of the Arizona. It had been attacked by Bolars. Both the Galmans and the Bolars learn that Mariposa is alive and on the Argo. Both dispatch fleets to retreive her. The Bolars want her dead. The Galmans want Mariposa so that she might lead them to Guardiana, which they believe posseses massive military might. Desslok orders his fleet, commanded by Admiral Gustav and already close to attacking the Star Force, to instead protect the Argo from the Bolars. After receiving this order, Gustav actually say -- in English -- "Shit! That's unfair! I could have destroyed that lucky ship!" Well, Gustav, if it's any consolation, at least you got to say "Shit!" on T.V. The Galman fleet is destroyed in the process, but the Argo succeeds in destroying the remaining Bolar fleet with the Wave Motion Gun. But, believing that their mission to find a new home for Earth has essentially failed, Wildstar agrees to take Mariposa home to Guardiana, provided that she lead the way. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 24: The Secret Of Planet Guardiana
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-03-28
The Star Force arrives at Guardiana, a planet which is hidden in a subspace pocket. But, they are followed by Desslok's main fleet and the Bolar armada as well, thus exposing Guardiana's secret location. The Star Force learns that the planet is utterly peaceful, and tells Desslok that it poses no threat to anyone. Desslok agrees to leave the planet alone, but must first fight off the Bolars who have followed him there. He attempts to "put an end to Bolar incursions once and for all" by using his Hyper Desslok Gun (Excelsior). It wipes out a huge chunk of the Bolar armada. After the battle, Queen Mariposa shows the Star Force executive staff the hidden arsenal of super weapons that Guardianans have put away -- never to be used again. Mariposa undergoes a metamorphosis and melds with the spirit of Queen Guardiana. She gives the Star Force a HydroCosmoGen Cannon which can restore the sun to its normal state. The Star Force beats a fast path home. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]
Episode 25: Star Force, Shoot That Sun!
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 1981-04-04
The Star Force returns to Earth to fix the sun. Before they can, they are attacked one last time by a Bolar fleet and space fortress. Desslok and his fleet of huge Desslok-gun ships arrive to destroy the Bolar fleet. But the fortress is impregnable, and destroys most of Desslok's fleet with its artificial black hole guns. Flash Contrail crashes his AstroFighter into the gun, disabling it. Desslok's ship, equipped with an extra-powerful Desslok Cannon, is then able to destroy the fortress. The Star Force goes on to shoot the sun with the HydroCosmoGen gun, restoring its fusion reaction rate to safe levels. Wilstar bids Desslok and the apparition of Queen Mariposa/Guardiana goodbye and returns to Earth. Mariposa fades into the sky with the body of Flash Contrail. [Source: The Wave Motion Web Page]