Noragami Aragoto

Category: TV Series
Adult: No
Native: ノラガミ ARAGOTO
Бездомный Бог 2
Runtime: 25 minutes
Aired: Oct 3, 2015 [9 years 5 months ago]
Ended: Dec 26, 2015 [9 years 2 months ago]
Language: Japanese
Super Power
Contemporary Fantasy
Law And Order
Unrequited Love
Dark Fantasy

In the second season of Noragami the main focus is on Bishamon, god of war. She has many shinki due to her being unable to abandon spirits attacked by Ayakashi. She has a large group of shinki with her as leader, causing her trouble as she sometimes cannot tend to all of them properly, especially when one of them gets sick or is in pain. She has a strong hate for Yato, as a dark past binds the two of them. How will the horrifying events dated hundreds of years ago in combination with current evil happenings affect Yato and Yukine?

Episode 1: Bearing a Posthumous Name
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-10-03
Yato and Yukine have once again taken on one of their 5-yen jobs, this time to take care of an infant while its mother sleeps. Hiyori comes by to visit in her spirit form. They are attacked by an ayakashi, which seems to be regenerating, and they cause a lot of damage to the house before they realise that its true essence is in the mirror and manage to defeat it. Meanwhile, Bishamon, disturbed by dreams of the past, orders Kazuma to find Yato, who has been hiding from her. She destroys several ayakashi that are harassing a spirit, and afterwards turns her into a shinki, which takes the form of broken mirror as the spirit was troubled. The large number of shinki she has takes its toll on her. Yukine meets another shinki named Suzuha while he is out on his own and befriends him. It turns out that he is another one of Bishamon's shinki.
Episode 2: One of Her Memories
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-10-10
Yato learns about Suzuha, and that he is supposedly one of Bishamon's shinki, although he seems to know nothing at all Yato nor his master's enmity with him, so he permits Yukine to continue being friends with him as long as he is careful. It turns out Suzuha had not been personally called upon by Bishamon in years, and he befriended a human girl named Tomoko a long time ago and she had forgotten about him as she grew older, though he continues to hope that she will someday remember. Suzuha is then murdered by ayakashi under the control of Kugaha, yet another of Bishamon's shinki, who seems to be secretly working with Nora to destroy Bishamon. The mysterious death of Suzuha has affected Bishamon, and at one point Kazuma sees that she has signs of being blighted, so he calls all of the shinki and has them inspected by Kugaha, and finds that none of them are contaminated by ayakashi. When she comes down to see what is happening, Kazuma sees that the stain he saw on her has somehow disappeared. Yukine tries to introduce Suzuha to Yato and Hiyori but finds he is not at his usual cherry tree. Later, Yato, sensing that ayakashi were recently at the tree returns in the evening and runs into Kugaha. Yato demands to know whose shinki he is and they have a brief confrontation before Kugaha escapes on.
Episode 3: False Bond
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-10-17
Despite the inspection that Kazuma ordered, one of Bishamon's shinki, Aiha, actually is blighted, but this fact has been concealed by Kugaha. Unaware of his treachery, Kazuma asks him to watch over Bishamon while he investigates what has happened to Suzuha. Kugaha makes insinuations to her about how Kazuma has been consorting with Yato. Yukine, still unaware of Suzuha's death, visits his tree, and sees Kazuma leaving a bouquet of flowers for him. He chases after him, and winds up entering Bishamon's realm. Bishamon appears, and Yukine confronts her about Suzuha, telling her of how he had been in pain for so long as it seemed that his master had forgotten him, and accuses her of not truly caring for her shinki. This deeply affects all of her minor shinki, and Kazuma tries to calm Bishamon down, but she accuses him of saving Yato with an ablution ritual, and of secretly being in contact. He does not deny it, but states that Yato is not her enemy but rather her saviour. Bishamon fires on him, but he makes a barrier against his own master. Enraged, she begins to revoke his name, but relents, and banishes him instead. With nowhere else to go Kazuma stays with Kofuku along with Yato. Yato has a conversation with Hiyori about Yukine and Kazuma as she goes home, and they are attacked by Aiha who has a cursed staff. Hiyori steps out of her body and tries to help, but is abducted by ayakashi under Kugaha's control while Yato chases Aiha. Kazuma sees what has been done to Hiyori and tries to save her, attempting to bind Kugaha's name, but this does not work, and he is captured instead along with Hiyori.
Episode 4: Wish
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-10-24
Kazuma and Hiyori have been locked in a dungeon by Kugaha. Hiyori notices that unlike all of Bishamon's other Shinki, Kazuma's name does not end in 'ha' (巴) but 'ma' (麻). All gods add a common character to the names of all their shinki which acts as a clan name, and Kazuma explains that the difference is because he is the only survivor from Bishamon's previous 'ma' clan: all the rest were massacred by Yato centuries ago at his own request, as it was the only way to purge her from a blight that had spread to all the rest of her shinki, but she never learned this truth. Kazuma realises that Kugaha's plan seems to be that he is conspiring to kill Bishamon, so that when she is reborn he can take Kazuma's place as her exemplar. He abducted Hiyori in order to goad Yato into killing Bishamon. Yato, just as Kugaha planned, has realised that Hiyori has been abducted and makes his way with Yukine to the realm of the gods with Tenjin's assistance. Yato demands that Bishamon release Hiyori, who of course doesn't know what he is talking about, and the two gods have a great battle, and while for a time it seems they are evenly matched Bishamon's shinki manage to bind him, and Bishamon manages to break Yukine in his sword form.
Episode 5: Divine Acclamation, Imprecation
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-10-31
Yukine shatters in half while Yato and Bishamon battle each other! Elsewhere, Kugaha enacts the second part of his plan by slaughtering Bishamon's Regalias! Source: crunchyroll
Episode 6: What Must Be Done
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-11-07
Bishamon and Yato learn of Kugaha's betrayal, but most of the damage has already been done. Meanwhile, the giant, masked Phantom continues to hunt down the last remaining Regalias… Source: crunchyroll
Episode 7: How to Worship a God
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-11-14
Bishamon is forced to confer with the other gods about her recent failings. Elsewhere, Ebisu offers to buy Yukine from Yato for a large sum of money - enough for Yato to build his own shrine. Source: crunchyroll
Episode 8: God of Calamity
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-11-21
After Kugaha's defeat, Ebisu decides to conduct certain, secret tests. Meanwhile, Yato reaches new highs and new lows after Hiyori gives him his own shrine… Source: crunchyroll
Episode 9: The Sound of a Thread Snapping
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-11-28
Yato and Nora head into the underworld to complete one last job together: find and rescue a certain conjurer. But with each passing moment, Hiyori begins to forget Yato… Source: crunchyroll
Episode 10: A Certain Desire
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-12-05
The heavens are thrown into chaos when the gods learn that Ebisu has been experimenting with Phantoms. Meanwhile, Yato and Ebisu struggle to escape Izanami and leave the underworld behind. Source: crunchyroll
Episode 11: Revival
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-12-12
Bishamon and Hiyori manage to track down Yato, but they have no way of getting into the underworld. Meanwhile, Izanami continues to pursue Yato… And if he gets caught, he'll be stuck in the underworld forever! Source: crunchyroll
Episode 12: Your Voice Calls Out
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-12-19
Bishamon faces Izanami in battle in order to save Yato. Yato's only hope for escape lies in his true name, but he's never revealed it to anyone. Meanwhile, the heavenly executioners have caught up with Ebisu and are prepared to kill him! Source: crunchyroll
Episode 13: The God of Fortune's Message
Runtime: 25 minutes
Air Date: 2015-12-26
The heavens deliver their divine punishment, and Ebisu is forced to start anew. Despite this, Yato is filled with a new sense of purpose and upholds his promise to Ebisu. Source: crunchyroll